Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 10 - Grandma's Cooking

Well, today was nuts. Work was crazy... I was very busy today, and that's probably a good thing. If I stay busy, I tend to not notice my hunger or get hungry just out of boredom.

The day started with yogurt for breakfast. Lunch allowed me an avocado, tomato and brown rice salad which was UNbelievably good. I really do like avocados, and I'm so glad they are healthy for me!

As I mentioned last night, today is my Grandpa's 97th birthday, so I had dinner out at his house and got to enjoy my Grandma's cooking. She made ham balls, potatoes gratin, corn, and toffee cake. All of it was REALLY yummy, and I was good to only have one ham ball, a small scoop of gratin, and a small piece of cake. Overall (as you'll see on Twitter when my daily calorie log is posted), I didn't go too far over my calorie limit, which is great! This is good practice for having self control when I visit others for dinner, or go out to a restaurant.

I'll leave it short today, since I have yet another headache creeping up. I'm not sure what is going on, but if it continues into next week, I'll need to see the doctor to see what's going on. Let's hope it's just my normal headaches and nothing serious!

Have a great week, and I'll write at you tomorrow!

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