Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's Get Started!

In 2015, I've given myself the goal to lose 50-60 pounds, averaging 1 pound per week. But, I'm not really setting out to be on a diet. Instead, I need to learn to change my eating and activity habits to make myself healthier. If I can do this, my hope is that I can keep up a healthy lifestyle and maintain my weight instead of feeling like I need to starve myself to stay at a healthy weight.

Many of you know that I have struggled with my weight for over half of my life, and it's time to get a hold on things.

I will be posting my meals daily on Twitter, so follow me there @ShannonLoses50. If you don't have Twitter, subscribe to this blog for a daily recap of my meals, and any comments I have on the day.

Also find me on MyFitnessPal, username shannonerb822.

I won't ever turn down words of encouragement, or tips and tricks that have helped you lose weight and keep it off. So, feel free to comment or mention me on Twitter with any kind words! Haters not welcome.

This is the year of no excuses. Here we go!

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